
Stratford House of Blessing Food Bank is a non-profit organization and we depend on volunteers in order to maintain our operations.
If you're interested in joining our team, you'll be asked to submit an application form and speak with our Volunteer Coordinator to determine how you can best contribute based on your skills, interests, and availability. Some people may be required to complete a background check, depending on their desired role.
Please visit our Open Positions section to see our current needs. If your desired role is not listed, you can still submit an application that we will hold on file for when other positions open up.
Corporations interested in getting involved and students needing community service hours are invited to reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator.
If you have any further questions or are interested in learning more, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at 519-273-3433 x 204 or volunteer@shob.org.
In 2024, our amazing volunteers donated
hours to keep our food bank running
Open Positions
Seasonal volunteers help us collect and sort food during food drives.
This year, our big food drives are scheduled for the following dates:
🍁September 28, 2024
🎄 November 30, 2024
Are you friendly, love engaging with people, and want to make a positive impact? We need your help! Your smile and welcoming attitude can make all the difference as we work together to support our community. If this is you, you'd be a great on-site addition to our food drive.
Food sorting volunteers come in after food drives to check expiry dates on dated food and place food in designated areas.