Empty Bowls
Empty Bowls is back again this year as a drop-in event at the Stratford House of Blessing.
Select hand crafted, hand painted bowls starting at $30 per bowl.
With each purchase, take home samples of soup or other food options donated by local restaurants. Two restaurants will be featured each day. (Some food items will be served fresh, others will be frozen.)
Participate in a silent auction all week with winners determined at 2:00 pm on November 1.
Learn about our food bank and have a tour (optional).
Drop in to make your bowl & food selections
and support your local food bank.
Stratford House of Blessing
423 Erie Street
Stratford, Ontario
N5A 2N3
October 28 - November 1
Mon & Wed 9 am - 7 pm
Tues, Thurs, Fri 9 am - 4 pm
October 28 - November 1

Huge Thank You To Our Donors This Year
Potters and Restaurants